Isaac Zones

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Isaac Zones

Isaac Zones is based out of Oakland, California where he leads worship services, concerts and celebratory events for youth, adults and all sectors of community!

Isaac has 2 albums under the group name “Melita & Isaac” that have each been distributed internationally by the PJ Library and each won National Parent’s Choice awards. Isaac fronts the Jewish jam band SHAMATI with whom he often rocks out at weddings, simchas and wild dance parties. Isaac recently won the Diller Family Foundation award for excellence in Jewish experiential education.

Isaac is available for artist residencies where he specializes in fun, engaging musical programming for kids and adults alike. He also is an excellent teacher for aspiring Jewish musicians — particularly those interested in lifting up their local communities with song and leadership.

Isaac has Sephardic heritage, is in an inter-racial, inter-faith relationship and is raising a child who speaks only Spanish (so far) and loves to discuss and think about these issues of identity and race in Jewish groups. Isaac also loves to connect with men to discuss masculinity as Jews and reflect on strategies to end sexism in our community.

Music by Isaac Zones

  • Ometz Lev (Courage of the Heart)
Isaac Zones — Ometz Lev (Courage of the Heart)
  • Give Yourself to Love
Isaac Zones — Give Yourself to Love
PJ Library Radio